I have not blogged before and I wanted to try it.
There are 2 blogs I follow and I have been inspired by them. The blogs are A New Dress a Day and Princess Hairstyles. I am going to try my own blog with a theme. In New Dress A Day Marisa recycles and sews an older item of clothing and makes it into a modern wearable piece of clothing everyday for 365. I have chosen to do something similar. I am going to make something out of Duct Tape everyday for 365 days as well. I have a problem; I am a Duct Tape hoarder! I can’t resist buying a new roll of Duct Tape if there is a pattern I haven’t seen before or even if they are patterns I have bough ten before, I pick them up anyways. I love Duct Tape, but now I have a bunch and I must make something with them.
How I became interested in Duct Tape, I was behind 2 girls in line at Sally’s Beauty Supply. One girl pulled out her wallet, the other exclaimed “is that made out of Duct Tape?” I was curious so I peered over their shoulders and saw for the first time a Duct tape Wallet. Now I had seen bright colored Duct Tape at Michaels, Wal-Mart and Hobby Lobby and thought “what on earth would anyone do with that?” Now I knew. I immediately went to Michaels, picked up a roll of Duct Tape, looked on the internet and made my first Duct Tape Wallet. Since then I have bought many rolls of Duct Tape and crafted with them. I have seen many fascinating creations by others, if I was still young enough to go to prom, for sure I would have created a dress out of Duct Tape.
Everyday I would like to make an item. Some will be functional, decorative, and sometimes I may repeat an item I already made with a new Duct tape Pattern. As many of you know, I love road trips, so on days I am travelling (or on days for whatever reason I am unable to get to a computer)I will make an item, however I may not be able to update the blog for a couple of days, but I will as soon as possible. If I find the instructions on the internet I hope I become good enough at blogging to post links to where I found the items or tutorials.
I hope you will enjoy following my blog, and I hope it will make you smile. Here’s to 365 of crafting with Duct tape!
Day 1- Hair Bow 364days left
I had wanted to try to make the hair bow for awhile. I finally did today. I selected butterfly tape and blue tape for the middle. Then I attached the bow with blue tape to a double prong pin curl clip. I found the tutorial for this bow on YouTube. I am going to be in a craft show in December with my lovely friend Stacey, and had been thinking of making quite a few of these bows to add to our craft table.
Here is the link to the YouTube tutorial:
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